Q. My question is: How are you compensated from your different
companies? Do you draw money out --
A. My accountants pay my bills. And if I need -- if I need
cash, little petty cash, I go to my teller, my HSBC account, which is
in London, and I draw cash out. And that's dealt with out of London.
Q. It just miraculously appears when you need it?
A. Well, that's what A.T.M. machines do.
Q. Oh, really? They print money?
A. They sure do.
Q. Okay. I wasn't aware of that.
My question --
A. Well, you punch your number in -- you put a card in, you
punch your number in, ask for 200 dollars, and lo and behold --
Q. It comes out?
A. Who could have guessed.
Q. It's amazing.
A. It's a wonderful thing.
Submitted by KK Daniels